Female Knocker (Original | Prints Available)


Persian knockers are the old traditional objects on the doors of homes. Door knockers are made specifically for each gender to produce a distinctive sound, enabling the inhabitants to identify whether their visitor is male or female. Men’s door-knockers are called “hammers” while women’s door-knockers are called “rings.” As you might guess, the long-shaped door-knocker is for male users and the other one for female users. But the reason for this is that they wanted to know if there’s a male or female knocking on the door so that the same gender person would open the door. If it’s a male, the man of the house would answer the door, and if it’s a female, the woman would do that. And if it’s a man knocking on the door, and the man of the house is not home, a woman of the house would know that she has to wear convenient clothing (Scarf covering). If a woman and man knock on the door at the same time, this means the family has come to visit and celebrate.

Title: Female Knocker

Technique: 3D on Canvas

Year Painted: 2019

Original | Prints Available 

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